Dystonie-Partage (Montreal) Réunion 28 septembre 2024

Grâce à nos généreux commanditaires, Abbvie et Ipsen, Dystonie-partage peut vous offrir cette conférence!

Titre: Comment la physiothérapie s'inscrit comme traitement pour la dystonie?

Conférencier: Benoit Labbé, physiothérapeute a complété sa maîtrise en physiothérapie en 2016 et il est co-fondateur de la Clinique Synapse. Il se passionne dans les approches pour aider les personnes vivant avec une atteinte neurologique faisant partie de la famille des troubles du mouvements comme les syndromes parkinsoniens et les dystonies. 

Voici quelques éléments qui seront abordés pendant la conférence:

  • des stratégies pour mieux comprendre et gérer les symptômes de la dystonie cervicale basé sur les plus récentes évidences pratiques et scientifiques.

  • les techniques de gestion de la douleur, de positionnement et de posture.

  • l’approche par exercices sécuritaires et les comportements à éviter.

  • découvrir des outils pratiques pour un mieux être avec la dystonie cervicale.

Date et l'heure: 28 septembre 2024 - 1:15 PM to 3:30 PM EDT (Veuillez vérifier vos fuseaux horaires correspondants.)

Conférence par Zoom et en présentiel.

Emplacement: Holiday Inn Montréal Longueuil - 900 Rue St-Charles Est, Longueuil, Montréal, QC, J4H 3Y2

Pour rejoindre la rencontre par Zoom voici le lien:


ID de réunion: 813 0153 2480

Confirmation obligatoire pour ceux et celles qui désirent assister sur place! C'est un événement gratuit.

Pour plus de détails, veuillez contacter Chantale Boivin at partagedystonie@gmail.com

Thanks to our generous sponsors, Abbvie and Ipsen, Dystonie-partage is pleased to offer you this conference!

Title: How Does Physiotherapy Fit in as a Treatment for Dystonia?

Speaker: Benoit Labbé, Physiotherapist
Benoit Labbé completed his master's degree in physiotherapy in 2016 and is the co-founder of the Synapse Clinic. He is passionate about helping individuals with neurological conditions, including movement disorders such as Parkinson's syndromes and dystonias.

Date and Time: September 28, 2024 - 1:15 PM to 3:30 PM EDT (Please check your corresponding time zones.)

Format: Available both via Zoom and in person.

Location: Holiday Inn Montreal Longueuil, 900 Rue St-Charles Est, Longueuil, Montreal, QC, J4H 3Y2

Join the Zoom meeting using the link below:


Meeting ID: 813 0153 2480

Confirmation required for those who wish to attend on site! It's a free event!

For further details, please contact Chantale Boivin at partagedystonie@gmail.com


DMRF Canada Support Advisory Group August 2024
Respect: The behaviour and responses of all in the meeting is one of respect and empathy. This includes 
recognition and respectful response to individual social, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual 

Time: Attending on time and ensuring that they are capable and available physically and emotionally to 
participate. All participants will have an opportunity to share their experiences in a timely manner. 
Monopolizing the conversation for any reason will be redirected. (this includes promotion of products or 

If a participant does not want to participate and share they can pass on their turn without judgment. 
However it is important for all in the group to be introduced to each other.

Confidentiality: Everything shared in the support group meeting is confidential. This means that it stays 
within the group. The exception is in the case of abuse, crime or physical harm. This will be reported to 
the appropriate authority.

The Group Leader Role:
As well as adherence to the guidelines mentioned above the group leader will: 
Welcome the participants, share any news or updates, provide time for introductions as well as the 
opportunity for each participant to share or pass. Leaders facilitate and keep the meeting moving along 
and on time. They end the meeting on a positive note and follow up on anything that may have come 
out of the meeting.

By entering the meeting, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the terms above.

Last update: Sep 2024