September marks Dystonia Awareness Month. DMRF Canada is proudly partnering with AbbVie Canada on a national PR campaign to define the impact of cervical dystonia across Canada.
Through this initiative, we are sharing powerful stories of Canadians living with cervical dystonia and their care partners as well as perspectives from medical professionals in the media. Our goal is to increase understanding and awareness of cervical dystonia amongst the broader public and to share accurate educational resources about cervical dystonia to help empower affected individuals to make informed decisions about their health. Please keep an eye out for stories in your local media and check this page frequently to find our updated listings.
- Alberta
Calgary: Astrid Frauscher (Calgary Support Group Leader) and Dr. Davide Martino, Ph.D. MD, Director of the Movement Disorders Program at the University of Calgary. Interviewed by CTV News Calgary on September 12, 2024. Click here to watch the interview and read more.
- Manitoba
Steinbach: Vanessa David and Dr. Sean Udow, a neurologist with the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. Interviewed by Global News on September 23rd 2024. Click here to watch the interview and read more.
- Healthing interviewed Vanessa David and Dr. Kerrie Schoffer, a movement disorder neurologist. Interview was published on October 31, 2024. Click here to read the article.
- Nova Scotia
Halifax: Sarah Munro and Dr. Kerrie Schoffer, a movement disorder neurologist. Interviewed by Global News on September 20th. Click here to watch the interview.
- Ontario
Hamilton: Laurie Bell (Hamilton Area Volunteer) and Dr. Susan Fox, MB, ChB, PhD, Head of the Division of Neurology at Toronto's University Health Network. Interviewed by The Hamilton Spectator on September 18th 2024. The interview is also being circulated online across newspapers including Niagara Falls Review, St. Catharine’s Standard and Welland Tribune. Click here to read more.
- Quebec
Montreal: Chantale Boivin and Physiotherapist Benoit Labbe. Interviewed by le journal de Montreal on November 11th, 2024. Click here to read the article.