



Neurological Health Charities Canada

DMRF Canada is a proud member of Neurological Health Charities Canada (NHCC). NHCC is a collective of organizations that represent people with chronic, often progressive, neurological and/or neuromuscular diseases, disorders, conditions and injuries (brain disorders) in Canada.  The NHCC’s role is to provide leadership in evaluating and advancing new opportunities for collaboration specific to advocacy, education and research to improve the quality of life for people affected by brain conditions.

DMRF Canada National Director, Archana Castelino, serves as Vice- Chair for the NHCC.

Advocacy Priority

    In 2008 NHCC led the first Canadian health study of neurological conditions in Canada receiving $15M to complete the ground-breaking report Mapping Connections. Released in 2014 and still in use by Public Health Agency of Canada as part of its chronic disease surveillance guidelines and criteria and by Health Canada today, Mapping Connections informs decision-making on policy and investments. NHCC is embarking on an ambitious new path advocating on behalf of the millions of Canadians and their families to update population level health data on the incidence, prevalence, and the impacts of neurological conditions in Canadian society to improve the wellbeing of those affected. Read NHCC’s Submission to the Federal Finance Committee’s 2025 Pre-Budget Consultation,

    We are seeking allies in government among elected MPs, those appointed to influential positions within government, and other respected and influential leaders within the pubic and charitable sectors to help strengthen our position. If you can help, kindly contact us at

  • NHCC is asking the Government of Canada to immediately commit to developing a Canadian Action Plan for Brain Health to improve the lives of  the one in three Canadians living with brain conditions and their families.
  • Details of the road map are in our position paper Canadian Action Plan for Brain Health: Charting the Course in a Changed World and in our brief to the Standing Committee on Finance here.
  • That a National Neurological Strategy for Canada be developed to tackle the knowledge gaps and needs of the millions of Canadians living with neurological disease, illness or injury.

Please visit the NHCC website to read about NHCC initiatives and to access newsletters.

Recognizing Changemakers

NHCC’s Change Maker Award is presented to annually to an individual, or individuals who are making a difference in the lives of people impacted by brain conditions. Read on for details on some of the Change Maker award recipients from the DMRF Canada community:


Canadian Brain Research Strategy logo

Canadian Brain Research Strategy

The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Canada is the only organization supporting the needs of 50,000 Canadians with dystonia, a neurological disorder causing involuntary movements and often depression and anxiety. Secondary dystonia links to approximately 50 conditions, from Parkinson's to Multiple Sclerosis, affecting many more. With no cure and limited treatments, research is our only hope. As part of the Canadian Brain Research Strategy (CBRS), we see the vital impact of a national effort on brain and mental health research. A unified approach can speed progress for all affected by neurological conditions, offering relief and progress for countless lives.  

Read more about the work of CBRS here    


Last update: Jul 2024