Connect DMRF Canada - Your Network is Our Network –

At DMRF Canada, the strength of our mission lies in the power of our community. In recent years, we have faced significant challenges. The need for support from our community has greatly increased, while financial support has declined. Economic factors impacting most charities have affected us as well, and we have sadly lost some of our most generous donors and supporters who raised funds for our cause until their last breath.

We are experiencing a decline in community fundraising, volunteers, and donations. This is why we need your help to sustain and grow our impact through partnerships with organizations that can provide sponsorships, grants, and donations. Even if you don’t have close connections, the organization you work for might have a program to support charities.

How You Can Help

  • Corporate Sponsorships and Grants: Organizations respond to people they know rather than cold calls. If you have connections to companies or foundations that may be interested in supporting our cause, please introduce us. Many organizations are eager to support charitable initiatives through sponsorships, grants, and donations.

  • Employee Giving Programs: Many organizations offer matching gift programs that can double or even triple your donation, especially through platforms such as United Way. Learn more about this: Employee Giving Program. If your colleague is looking for a charity to support, don’t forget to tell them about us. 

  • Spread the Word and Donor Referrals: Help us raise awareness by leveraging your contacts. Share our mission with your network through community publications, national advertisers, and social media. Additionally, if you have friends or family, who could support our cause, please refer them to us. 

Your involvement can make a real difference. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have referrals or questions at

Last update: Jul 2024