New Research Award Granted to Dr. Robert Chen, Toronto Western Hospital

English Français

DMRF Canada and DMRF are thrilled to announce that Dr. Robert Chen of Toronto Western Hospital is the recipient of the James C. Kilik Memorial Research Award for his project entitled: Modulating the functional connectivity of the cerebellum in Musician's Dystonia.

This award was established by DMRF in honor of James C. Kilik, a musician from the Philadelphia area who had a distinguished career performing with the Delaware Symphony, Pennsylvania Ballet Orchestra and Philly Pops, among others.

Mr. Kilik developed focal hand dystonia in 1995 and was forced to end his active performing career in 2001. Mr. Kilik passed away in 2015, and his wish was to advance dystonia research and provide support for those affected.

The one year award, valued at $65,000 USD,  was awarded to Dr. Chen in October 2017 and was co-founded by DMRF and DMRF Canada. We are excited about the opportunity to fund this research and the possibilities it holds for a better understanding of dystonia.

For more information about the Musicians Dystonia Request for Applications (RFA),  click here.



Last update: Nov 2017