A Twisted Fate
My Life With Dystonia, by Brenda Currey Lewis
Brenda Currey Lewis was a typical, active child. But when she was seven years old in 1974 her life changed dramatically. Generalized dystonia turned her muscles against her. With her mom's unwavering advocacy, she has navigated the unchartered waters of this baffling disorder Brenda started walking on the outer edge of her right foot, and within a year she was wheelchair bound. The symptoms gradually spread through most of her body. For almost forty years Brenda has experienced uncontrollable muscle movements that have wreaked havoc in her body, but not her spirit.
This is a story of resilience in the face of a little-known, confusing, and debilitating condition. Brenda’s quirky sense of humour makes this candid account of life with dystonia a thought-provoking and an entertaining read.
Brenda was the president of the Edmonton Dystonia Support Group for twelve years and is still involved in raising funds and lending guidance to newly-diagnosed dystonia patients. She wrote A Twisted Fate to raise awareness about dystonia, and she looks forward to the day that medical researchers find a cure for this unwelcome intruder. To order A Twisted Fate contact Brenda Lewis.
Podcast Episode
Brenda Currey Lewis-A Twisted Fate, My Life With Dystonia on "It's A Wrap with Rap"