Brain Networks in Dystonia - Request for Applications

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) and Cure Dystonia Now (CDN) are seeking applications for collaborative studies applying innovative approaches to dystonia that will address the most significant and immediate needs in this field with special emphasis on cross-disciplinary research.

Research proposals that apply holistic and/or modular approaches to explore dystonic brain networks are invited. Experimental and theoretical studies applying large-scale analysis of anatomical and functional connectivity as well as studies exploring hierarchical and multi-relational connections between regions of dynamic networks involved in dystonia are particularly encouraged.

Only collaborative research proposals that transcend individual disciplines and levels of analysis will be considered. Individuals with appropriate scientific credentials employed by a non-profit or for-profit institution, domestic or foreign are eligible to apply.

The award will support a cross-disciplinary team of two or more researchers or research groups with one or multiple principal investigators for one to two years with a budget not exceeding $65,000 USD/year.

For Complete Details and Requirements Click Here

A letter of intent is required and should be submitted electronically by end of day on October 15, 2018. Letters should be no more than one (1) page and include a descriptive title and summary of proposed research, as well as names and affiliations of participating researchers.

If invited to submit a full proposal, applications will be due November 19, 2018.

Address for Inquiries and Submission for Letters of Intent Jody Roosevelt at See attachment below for complete details. 

File attachments
Last update: Sep 2018