Post Registration Participation Tips

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Thank you for your support of Freedom to Move: Run, Walk and Wheel, and the dystonia community in Canada. Your support will help us to continue to fund research into better clinical treatments, and ultimately a cure for dystonia. 

Remember, you have the entire month of June to complete your race. Here are some tips for getting started: 


If you opted in for merchandise during registration, watch your mailbox for DMRF Canada Freedom to Move Merchandise! All opt ins include free domestic shipping. This means that your participant package will be delivered right to your door! 


Stretch and prepare to get active! Click here for a stretching video created by Dyfying Dystonia Founder and DMRF Canada Board Member, Casey Kidson.  Scroll down for a list of safe training tips.


Remember to let people know that they can support, you, or participate in the event too! 

Anytime you’re working toward your goal, use your Freedom to Move merch. Don’t forget to post your pictures online and tag @DMRFCanada using #FreedomToMove


Fundraising will run from the start of the campaign throughout the month of June! Together let's raise $75,000.00 for dystonia research and support programs. 



A list of safe training tips:

  • Plan your route. Remember you can do this over the period of a whole month, so you can run, walk or wheel just 10 minutes at a time! Try to find a route where there won't be lots of people to dodge.
  • Carry ID in case of emergency. With that ID, also have the names and phone numbers of local relatives or friends.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather. If you're going outside in low light, be visible and wear bright-coloured or reflective gear.
  • Stay hydrated! Drink water before you feel thirsty.
  • Try to enjoy yourself in the moment and practice gratitude while you exercise.
Last update: Mar 2022