September is Dystonia Awareness Month - Here's What You Can Do

DMRF Canada is creating awareness through the "Dystonia Strong" campaign in September 2024.

The success of Dystonia Awareness Month comes from community involvement. Here's how you can get involved:

en français

1. Become a Dystonia Awareness Ambassador. Click here for information on how to request a package.

2. Share Our Dystonia Awareness Video. See it here.

3. Donate Today. Click here to make your secure online donation. Remind those in your network why it's so important to fund dystonia research and support programs.

4. Dystonia Landmarks Lit Up in September 2024.  Click here for the calendar.

5. Reach out to local, provincial, and federal politicians. Ask them to announce the fact that September is Dystonia Awareness Month. Click here for a letter template you can use.

6. Promote Dystonia Awareness Through Social Media

  • Promote dystonia awareness using these hashtags to your networks: #dystoniastrong #dystoniamovescanada #dystoniamovesme #dystoniaawarenessmonth
  • Use the Dystonia Strong logo.
  • Follow us on Social Media. Click here for message templates to share. 
  • Click here for details on The Many Faces of Dystonia Campaign for content that you can share.

7. DMRF Canada Press Kit - Raise Awareness and Get Local Media involved.  Click here to download Press Kit 2024.

8. Display your Dystonia Merchandise. Lanyard, Yard Flags, Alert Bracelet, Button, Etc.

9. Blue for Change: Wear blue throughout September and stand together for a brighter future. Click here for more information. 





Last update: Aug 2024