Dystonia Canada News

March 30, 2016

The Dystonia Coalition is conducting a study to develop the best way to measure the symptoms and impact of blepharospasm.

This study is being conducted at Toronto Western Hospital by Dr. Susan Fox  

For details on the study and eligibility criteria please click poster

March 18, 2016

The Daily Gleaner By: Kelly Cormier March 12, 2016

Tim Williston’s life took a dramatic turn 12 years ago when he received an unexpected medical diagnosis. But today the 60-year-old Fredericton man is living life to the fullest and wants to help others with the same disorder by telling his story and offering support. Williston has dystonia, a neurological movement disorder that causes the muscles to contract and spasm involuntarily. The first symptoms hit in 2004 when Williston and his wife, Nancy, were on vacation.

January 27, 2016

Support Casey Kidson as she continues to "Dyfy Dystonia"

October 26, 2015

 The Fall 2015 Dystonia Canada Report is now available online. We're thrilled to provide you with all of the latest news from the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) Canada. Read more...

August 6, 2015

 Toronto Star - August 4, 2016 - Kerry Gillespie.  Ian Kent who has dystonia, has been competitive from the moment he and his older brother started playing in the basement as kids in the 1970s through to more recent years when, despite his disability, he continued to beat everyone in Nova Scotia, including his adult sons, in able-bodied table tennis.  More

July 17, 2015
CTV - Edmonton - Brenda Lewis discusses her journey with dystonia and her book "A Twisted Fate" Read more...
April 22, 2015

Jean Sharon Abbott spent nearly all of her life believing she had an incurable condition that left her feeling "trapped" in her own body -- unaware that many of her symptoms could be easily treated with a pill.